The ICC Cricket World Cup 2007 will start in 15 days. I have never been a great cricket fan, or a fan of any sport for that matter. But, I do like to stay in touch with the fluctuating fortunes of the Indian cricket team, especially during the World Cup campaign. I suppsoe it all…
my new blog….
Forgot to add in the previous post. For those of you who are interested, here is my blog in French. Fear not! It is not a translation of all I have said in English. There is just one post up for the moment. But more to come.
South Indian Cuisine on the net….
As you probably realised by now….this post is about South Indian Cuisine on the net….or the lack of it…Yesterday, I suddenly wanted to eat kaara kuzhambu. Not the Vathal Kuzhambu my mother makes and labels kaara kuzhambu…I wanted to eat the real thing. The Authentic kaara kuzhambu with garlic. I asked my mother and she…
A reflection on many issues…
As the title suggests, this post is a reflection on many issues, some pertinent and some frivolous. Yesterday, I was talking to my friend, who is Belgian. She seemed genuinely surprised that we, in India, could not take a vacation when we wanted to with the one we love. Not that my office would not…
a dormant blog revived…
It’s been exactly 2 months since I last blogged. Between work, TV and fighting with my dad for access to the computer, I had no time to blog or even post a single line as a follow-up to my last post. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I last blogged. One…