Personal,  Pointless posts

Too blasé for love?

Almost echoing my train of thought on love, is this post by Julie. Sometimes, I wonder if I share some sort of psychic connection or something with her. And she wonders the same. Anyway, Julie wants to know if we are ever too blasé for love. Maybe we are. But that’s not the only thing that strikes a chord. When she speaks of being a loner, an only child, not having, nor desiring human or even animal company, something resonates in my heart. The feeling of being alone. But unlike her, for me, it was never a pleasant feeling.

But, as she says, wanting to be alone, or preferring solitude to company is probably a sign of cowardice. I have been guilty of that myself. Sometimes, I don’t want friendship, nor love. Because I wonder if there is some such thing as true love. But, I also know that it exists. Julie calls people who still believe in true love as having the audacity to hope. I know I believe. I believe in love. I believe in the innate goodness of humankind. I still trust unconditionally. But unfortunately, I only end up getting hurt. Every time. But I don’t think I want to change. Ever. I will still believe, despite getting hurt many times over. I will not give up! And yes, I will still continue to have that audacity to hope.

PS: Yes, I am still not out of that philosophical mood…

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