
a dormant blog revived…

It’s been exactly 2 months since I last blogged. Between work, TV and fighting with my dad for access to the computer, I had no time to blog or even post a single line as a follow-up to my last post. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I last blogged. One thing i wanted to blog about was the hanging of Saddam Hussein. Not that I am a great supporter of Saddam, but I finnd it extremely disconcerting that the media played it out over and over again on prime time. Does ethical jurnalism still exist? Or am I being an idealist in expecting journalists to be ethical and not telecast something that will bring it mass attention and mega revenues? Maybe I am just a naive citizens who still believes that some things are better left unsaid…

Coming back to France has been an eye-opening experience. For one, you realise how important sunshine is to your life and well-being. My plane landed at 9 am and it was a depressing grey all around. An overcast sky, constant drizzling and the cold weather were all as unwelcoming as ever. Secondly, you realise that there is no-one to run around doing your vessels and your clothes, no one to fill your plastic bag at the supermarket, noone to help you when you are lost and above all, no autos to transport you to your destination that is a few minutes away. I would have given up anything for a lift home given that I had 32 kgs of baggage + a laptop on me…Air France had broken the handle and I had to carry it and not drag it along. Oof!! What a nightmare…

Anyway, I think this should do for a single day….be back soon, with ideas more creative than today’s…

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